Beauty Tips For Muslimah


  1. To Face Always Fresh, Radiant and Georgeous : wash your face at 5 times a day with water for ablution. do not immeadetely dried by a towel and let it drip. then take prayers rugs, prayer, dzikir,and pray
  2. To Relief Stress (a cause of wrinkles on the face) : Expand 'Sports', If there is no time to go to fitness studio, spot-gym and other , enough with emphasis on prayer. with prayer means we move throughthout the body. consult all our grievances to substance of almighty Allah know with devotions and prayer
  3. For Moisturizers, youthful : use a smile , not just on the lips but on the heart as well . tell yours self you are baeutiful and don't require any kind of plastic surgery. do not forget for whisper'keywoard' each mirror: "allahuma kamma hasanta khalgii fahassin khulqii "(oh Allah as you have beautiful my event , and then a beautiful also ahlaq me)
  4. To Get Beautiful Lips : whisper the words , of god , not to tell lies, or hurt someone else not worn or arrogant boasting
  5. For You Body Slim : Perform a Reguler diet is by fasting(puasa) 2 times a week , monday and thursday, if stronger , better fast like the prophet Daud as , eat kosher food , multiply the vegetables,fruits and water
  6. To develop one self : spread the greetings and the greetings thus we wiil be widely known and love

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